How to Install Climb Stop?

How to Install Climb Stop for Lapped Fences?

General InstructionsTo Install Climb Stop


Patent Application No. 2022202052 Pending

Climb Stop is a trademark of Climb Stop Pty Ltd™

Climb Stop Installation Instructions

  • Remove all contents from box
  • Fit the first section in position using ALL screw holes provided where possible
  • Install the next section up against the previous, screw in place as before
  • In some cases the pool compliance inspector may require the gap behind the post to be filled up to a height of around 300mm. In this case a timber block can be fitted behind the post or a paling beside the post to fill in this gap as per drawing & image
  • Continue as above instructions for all sections needed for your fence

Generally you are required to fit a 60 degree wedge such as Climb Stop to  the middle rail of your timber fence, however in some cases depending on the situation you may be required to fit Climb Stop to the top or even the bottom rail. Consult with your local pool compliance inspector for your regions regulation requirements.

Always consult with your pool compliance inspector for your regions pool fence compliance regulations before fitting Climb Stop to your fence railings!